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An analysis of the influence of road infrastructure on healthcare access in Ifo Local Government Area, Ogun State

  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
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  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study
Road infrastructure is a fundamental determinant of healthcare accessibility, particularly in regions where inadequate transportation hinders timely access to medical facilities. In Ifo Local Government Area, Ogun State, deteriorating road networks, traffic congestion, and limited transportation options present significant obstacles for residents seeking healthcare services (Adetola, 2023). Poor road conditions often delay emergency responses and routine medical visits, directly impacting health outcomes. This study explores how road infrastructure influences healthcare access by examining the relationship between road quality, transportation efficiency, and service utilization (Bassey, 2024). The research further investigates the socio-economic impact of these infrastructural challenges on vulnerable populations. It seeks to provide evidence-based recommendations for infrastructural improvements that can enhance healthcare delivery and overall community well-being (Umar, 2025).

Statement of the Problem
In Ifo, deteriorating road infrastructure significantly hampers healthcare access, leading to treatment delays and adverse health outcomes (Obi, 2023). Inefficient transportation networks and poor road conditions create substantial barriers for residents, particularly in emergency situations. The current infrastructural deficiencies hinder timely medical intervention, contributing to health inequities. This study aims to identify and analyze the specific challenges associated with road infrastructure and propose actionable solutions to improve healthcare accessibility and service delivery (Salami, 2024).

Objectives of the Study:

To evaluate the condition of road infrastructure in Ifo.

To assess the impact of road conditions on healthcare access.

To recommend infrastructural improvements to enhance healthcare service delivery.

Research Questions:

How does road infrastructure affect healthcare access in Ifo?

What are the key infrastructural challenges impacting timely healthcare delivery?

What improvements in road infrastructure can enhance healthcare accessibility?

Research Hypotheses:

Poor road infrastructure is significantly associated with reduced healthcare access.

Inadequate transportation networks contribute to delays in receiving medical care.

Improvements in road infrastructure will lead to enhanced healthcare service utilization.

Significance of the Study
This study is significant as it highlights the critical role of road infrastructure in healthcare accessibility. The findings will inform infrastructure and healthcare policy reforms aimed at improving service delivery in Ifo, thereby contributing to improved health outcomes and reduced inequities (Adebayo, 2025).

Scope and Limitations of the Study:
Limited to the topic only.

Definitions of Terms:

Road infrastructure: The network of roads and transportation facilities.

Healthcare access: The ability to obtain necessary medical services in a timely manner.

Transportation efficiency: The effectiveness of transport systems in facilitating timely travel.

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